Tuesday, September 18, 2007

If you ask, the answer is there.

Though I am the only bi-lingual Chinese IAC-CC certified coach as of today in May 2007, I have a dream to be part of the team in realizing IAC's plan in multi-language certification. With the approval of IAC Board of Governors, I am permitted to translate the IAC Coaching Masteries in to Chinese and Japanese.

Up to Sep 2007, I have already finished the first draft for the Chinese version. With the requirement from the IAC Board of Governors, I am now in the stage of reversing my Chinese version in to English and testing its correctness and fine tuning the nuances of some cultrual differences.

As the second stage in reviewing the first draft in to a progressing draft, I need people who are currently practising as coaches in any walks with a high proficiency in both English and Chinese languages to work with me.

I threw this question in a recently HKICC PD Meeting where I shared my IAC Certification Journey. I got responses from Summer Chan, a life coach who translated the HKICC code of ethics from English in to Chinese and Tan Chew Yan, an executive coach who has over 12 years of professional English/Chinese translation experience on top of her coaching practices.

If you ask, the answer is there. Let me roll on.

Please stay tuned on the progress.

On 11th Nov 2007, the completed Chinese translation was sent to IAC headquarter. Upon IAC's formal precedure in approving and endorsing the document, we hope to see it on the IAC website in early 2008. We are also taking the boldness to asking IAC also to consider having Test 1 in Chinese. If yes, our voluntary team are ready for further contribution for the translation.

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