Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Coaching Insights

These are the coaching convictions from some of the potential certified coaches. How about yours?

1. Believe in myself

2. Love the client

3. Empty my bottle of assumption with passion & curiosity 倒空自己 投入熱誠與好奇

4. Coach be with the client; Dance with the client 與被教練者共舞

5. In love with coaching together with Coach + Coachee

6. 投入在 Coachee 的 greatness

7. 欣賞自己

8. 教練靈眸

9. To share the coachee’s breakthrough moment (In awe of the coachee’s breakthrough moment)

10. I’m a good coach, you’re a successful coachee. 成功被教練者背後的教練

11. 要成就被教練者 先成就自己