Tuesday, September 18, 2007

See whether our goals are matching?

I have a goal to mentor coaching :

10 executive coaches via IAC Coaching Masteries
10 life coaches via PCA Coaching Alliance

If you are interested to let me helping you to achieve your coaching dream, please email me at bonnie@coachlite.com

Executive Coaching - Who should hire me?

  • You should have completed a basic coaching training program and have real or buddy coaching experiences.
  • I wont teach coaching, instead I mentor you to master IAC Coaching Materies to perform and excel your coaching services as a masterful coach.
  • Concurrently, you will be ready to apply for the IAC Certification Test 1 and 2.

Briefing Meeting : 2 Feb 2008 at Room 603, B&G, Wan Chai.

Program :

“Prepare for the IAC Certification Test 2 Practicum" Retreat (3 Days 2 Nights) in Zhong Shan, China.

Date : 7-9 March 2008, Place : 中山雅居樂長江酒店 (90 min ferry from HK)
Participants are limited to 9 (full)

To put your name on the wait list, please email to Katherine Lo at lo_katherine18@yahoo.com

The IAC Coaching Masteries is the intellectual property of the Association of Coaching. http://www.certifiedcoach.org/


Life Coaching - Who should hire me?

  • You should have completed a basic coaching training program and have real or buddy coaching experiences.
  • I wont teach coaching, instead I mentor you to master the ParentCoach REAP Model to organize and conduct coaching classes for parents who wants to become ParentCoach.
  • Concurrently, you will be eligable to use PCA coaching material under licensee agreement.

Informal Briefing Meeting : YMCA coffee shop, Middle Street, Tsimshatsui on 4 Oct at 6:30pm

Program :

“PCA Train the Trainer” Program Retreat (3 Days 2 Nights) in Zhong Shan, China.
Date : 18-20 Jan 2008
Place : 中山雅居樂長江酒店 (90 min ferry from HK)

Participants are limited to 11 (full)

see our further development here.

Who were/are Coach Bonnie's mentor coaches?

I learnt my coaching from Coachville by enrolling their Graduate School of Coaching 1,000 hours life-time membership where I have completed almost 400 hours of learning covering 15 Proficiencies, Executive Coaching, Corporate Coach, Mentor Coaching and Marketing.

Through out my coaching learning and profession since 2001, I learn, I practice and I always hire mentor coach for myself. Why? This is how coaching helps me to excelling my potential and moving towards my goal(s) faster with success. Who were/are my mentor coaches?

1. Angela Spaxman (HK) : Before I decided to seriously stepping in to coaching learning and preparing for my future coaching profession, I hired Angela as my executive coach. Through my personal experience in receiving coaching, I understand what is coaching, why it is essential for corporate executives in both their personal and corporate development, how to coach and how to be coached, what are the tricky areas and etc.

2. Sarah Newton (UK) : After I learnt coaching, I need to pursue coaching in a more professional way by knowing how to design coaching material, structure coaching workshops and further build my coaching presence and being on top of the basic skill set. I hired Sarah as my mentor coach on my daily practicing and later on how to packaging coaching projects.

3. Steve Davis (USA) : In my practices, I do 1 on 1 coaching and group workshops. I, therefore, hired Steve to be my mentor coach in learning facilitation. Steve has put me on to another level of effective communication via writing and blogging.

4. Mike Cohen (USA) : I understand personal development is very important as a coach. Thus, coach is a life learner. I have chosen my unique area of interest in Eco-Psychology. Mike is my mentor professor in my Master degree study. He is currently still supervising my PhD degree study for the dissertation about Eco-Coaching.

5. Barbra Sunquist (Canada) : I was not satisfied myself as a professional coach, I want to provide masterful coaching services to my clients and keep on value-adding myself for excelling coaching in China. Barbra was my mentor coach in helping me to walk through the IAC Certification and drilling my 15 Proficiencies in to masterful level.

6. Catherine Miller (Canada) : My current mentor coaching buddy. We exchange mentor coaching to each other. Catherine is always helping me in expanding my horizon in coaching prospective, pointing out my blind spot and self-limitation and inspiring my potential for further development.

My next targetted mentor coach is Dave Buck........

I invest my time, effort and money in assisting current leaders and building future leaders through coaching.

If you ask, the answer is there.

Though I am the only bi-lingual Chinese IAC-CC certified coach as of today in May 2007, I have a dream to be part of the team in realizing IAC's plan in multi-language certification. With the approval of IAC Board of Governors, I am permitted to translate the IAC Coaching Masteries in to Chinese and Japanese.

Up to Sep 2007, I have already finished the first draft for the Chinese version. With the requirement from the IAC Board of Governors, I am now in the stage of reversing my Chinese version in to English and testing its correctness and fine tuning the nuances of some cultrual differences.

As the second stage in reviewing the first draft in to a progressing draft, I need people who are currently practising as coaches in any walks with a high proficiency in both English and Chinese languages to work with me.

I threw this question in a recently HKICC PD Meeting where I shared my IAC Certification Journey. I got responses from Summer Chan, a life coach who translated the HKICC code of ethics from English in to Chinese and Tan Chew Yan, an executive coach who has over 12 years of professional English/Chinese translation experience on top of her coaching practices.

If you ask, the answer is there. Let me roll on.

Please stay tuned on the progress.

On 11th Nov 2007, the completed Chinese translation was sent to IAC headquarter. Upon IAC's formal precedure in approving and endorsing the document, we hope to see it on the IAC website in early 2008. We are also taking the boldness to asking IAC also to consider having Test 1 in Chinese. If yes, our voluntary team are ready for further contribution for the translation.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Why Mentor Coaches are in Need?

1.What is Coach Mentoring/Supervision?

Coach Mentoring/Supervision is a formal and protected time for facilitating in depth reflection for coaches to discuss their work with someone who is experienced in coaching. Mentoring/Supervision offers a confidential framework within a collaborative working relationship in which the practice, tasks, process and challenges of the coaching work can be explored. The primary aim of mentoring and supervision is to enable the coach to gain in ethical competency, confidence and creativity so as to ensure best possible service to the coaching client (individuals, organisations, professional associations). It is important that mentoring/supervision is not perceived as, or in actuality is, a ‘policing’ role, but rather as a trusting and, wherever possible, co-colleague professional relationship.

2. Why Coach Mentoring/Supervision is essential for the practising coach

Competent practice with regular monitoring and reviewing of one’s work is essential to maintain and sustain good practice. Therefore mentoring/supervision is an opportunity to recognise the ‘human element’ and subsequent demands of the coaching work on the coach, to ensure we monitor and uphold non exploitative relationships with clients and to recognise our limits and work within them. It is a place to expand our emotional intelligence, gain support, relate practice to theory, develop new learning, and evolve coaching practice (continuing professional development).Overall, coach mentoring/supervision is essential both to develop the coach's professional skills and to maintain excellent standards of coaching in the industry.

3. The Benefits of Coach Mentoring/Supervision

The primary concern of the coach mentor/supervisor is to ensure that the coach is addressing the needs of the client as well as monitoring the relationship between the coach and client to maximise its effectiveness. In addition, coach mentoring/supervision is a way of ensuring that ethical standards are adhered to throughout the coaching process. The key benefits are summarised as follows:

Accountability and Protection
• ensuring the best interests of the client are being upheld
• for the organisation purchasing services
• for the coach Development
• opportunity to monitor client work and develop existing/new skills in a supportive environment
• responding constructively to feedback helps to advance practice • opportunity for coach’s personal development Ethical Standards
• to ensure that the coaching work is applied ethically and effectively
• recognise ethical diversity by considering values, principles and personal qualities

Source: Coach Mentoring and Supervision